
class bapsf_eigsolver.profiles.EqGrid(Nr=100, np=0, tp=0, pp=0, param=None, nparam=None, tparam=None, pparam=None)

Bases: object

Initialize equilibrium profiles (density, temperature, phi). All profiles are defined on 0<=x<=1 interval

get_nprofile(x, p, param=None)

Normalized density profile (and radial derivative)

get_pprofile(x, p, param=None)

Normalized phi0 profile (and radial derivatives up to 3rd order)

get_tprofile(x, p, param=None)

Normalized temperature profile

class bapsf_eigsolver.profiles.ProfileFit(r, y, ra=None, rb=None, norm=None)

Bases: UnivariateSpline

Calculate a fit (as piecewise cubic polynomials) for a profile If ra,rb are specified, the spline is calculated in the interval (ra,rb) (meaning that the interval x=0..1 is mapped to ra..rb). Otherwise, the full interval min(r)..max(r) is used


Calculate integral of the spline between 0 and x


Redefine derivatives method to use vector x, not only scalar